
Citations made easy.

Citations Made Easy with BibGuru


Google Scholar

I usually used Google Scholar in order to generate some citations for my paper. I've practised using it for quite some time. I just search the title there and click the cite link to view the citation options. There are five options available from Google Scholar to be selected from there (see image below). It might be easy if you only used any of these styles. However, you need to do some extra works if the style that you want is not listed there. Some data obtained from there also sometimes will be either incorrect or incomplete. So, I'm thinking that there must be other alternatives available that can provide better than this.... and BibGuru is one of them.



BibGuru is an instant and automatic citations generator application. It has just been launched in Nov 2020. Importantly, it is free. You can try the app now and add your first citations in seconds. Want you need to do is,

1. Go to You may need to register and log in before you can use the app.


2. Select the type of documents that you want to generate either Website, Book, Articles (for automatic search) or + More for other types of documents which you can add manually. For automatic search, you can just select the Articles tab, and type the title of the article in the box provided. The apps will list down all the articles based on your search. You can then click add button for the article that you want to be added to your reference list.


3. You can also select the citations style that you want to use. There are many styles that can be chosen if you click More citations styles >. This option is great if you want to change from one style to another style.


4. For the article in your reference list that requires some amendment, you can click click the pencil icon at the bottom of that particular article to edit the source. 


5. I think that's all! You can also explore the left side options to either add New Project or New Folder to manage your references collections.



Aidi Ahmi

Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz School of Accountancy
Universiti Utara Malaysia
06010 UUM Sintok
Kedah, Malaysia
Tel: +6049287222
E-mail: aidi[at]